分卷阅读4 (第1/2页)
缓地道:“There are more than a thousand mathematical propositions ihematical literature presupposes the existence of Riemann jecture. If the Riemann jecture is proved, all those mathematical propositions be elevated to theorems; versely, if the Riemann jecture is disproved, at least some of those mathematical propositions will be buried with it. The inferences based on the Riemann jecture are an edifice of unstable, crumbling, and uling foundations. .(数学文献中已有超过一千条数学命题以黎曼猜想的成立为前提。如果黎曼猜想被证明,所有那些数学命题就全都可以荣升为定理;反之,如果黎曼猜想被否证,则那些数学命题中起码有一部分将成为陪葬品。那些建立在黎曼猜想上的推论,可谓是一座根基不稳、摇摇欲坠、令人惶恐不安的大厦。)”
说到这里,何暮光的身体前倾,眼中展现出一种奇异的光晕,灼灼其华,像是信徒朝拜着缪斯,“Perhaps because a mathematical jecture is so closely reted to so many mathematical propositions, which is extremely rare in the world, the fame and halo of Riemann jecture beore obvious and fasating.(一个数学猜想与为数如此众多的数学命题有着密切关联,这是世上极为罕有的,也许正是因为这样的关系,黎曼猜想的名气和光环变得更加显著,也越发让人着迷。)”
何暮光收回了那种笑容,坐姿也回复到客气从容的姿态,开口道:“My performance is over.(我的表演完毕。)”
马里奥看了一眼弗斯特,这位享誉全球的美国导演年近六十发丝花白仍有着锐利的眼神,声音很低,道:“Mr. He, it seems that you are very ied in mathematics.(何先生,看来你对数学很有兴趣。)”他自信题目没有泄露,这位华国年轻的演员显然没有那种通天的本事,所以只能是这种原因。
何暮光温声道:“Well, you could say