分卷阅读1 (第1/2页)
DoraW 文案: Jay Bell的英文 something like summer/夏天什么的 Love, like everything in the universe, ot be destroyed. But over time it ge. The hot Texas nights were lonely for Ben before his heart begaing to the rhythm of two words; Tim Wyman. By all appearaim had the perfect body and ideal life, but when a not-so-actal collisis them together, Ben discovers that the truth is rarely so simple. If winning Tim's heart was an impossible quest, keeping it would prove even harder as family, society, aion threaten to tear them apart. Something Like Summer is a love story spanning a decade and beyond as two boys discover what it means to be friends, lovers, and sometimes even enemies.(简介是我在豆瓣抄来的) 内容标签: 搜索关键字:主角:Ben ┃ 配角:TimAllison ┃ 其它:美国同性向文学 第1章 第 1 章 Author : Jay Bell 第一章 休斯顿,1996( Chapter One Houston, 1996) 这不是一个出柜的故事。我两年前就出柜了,那是在我那脆弱 、幼稚的十四岁。我在十二岁的时候就知道自己是同性恋了,同年,我最好的朋友Kevin搬去了犹他州。我很伤心,我想对于大多数孩子来说这是正常行为。所以在他走后两周,我决定坐长途汽车(Greyhound bus)(注○1)去看他。柜台里的那个家伙不卖给我票,我把自己伪装成登车旅客的孩子上了车。但是后来被发现了,巴士司机让我滚下车去,而且站长还给我父母打了电话。他们对我这个小小出行计划的反应,让我对Kevin的思念更加超乎寻常。好吧,这就是我每次一想到Kevin就会硬起来的原因。 在重读刚刚写的这一段时, Ben的手指在膝上手提电脑的键盘上不确定地来回敲击。他深深吸了一口气,缓慢过热起来的电脑散发出的臭氧气味在他来得及叹气之前填满了他的鼻腔。为什么每次在他尝试着书